What did Eleanor Rosevelt do for the Universal declaration of H.Rights in 1948?

She supported the New Deal policies of her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and became an advocate for civil rights and also helped start second-wave feminism, the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women.

What Empires finished in the 19th Century?

The British,French....

Who was Carl Marx?

Karl Heinrich Marx) was a German philosopher, political economist, historian, political theorist,sociologist, and communist revolutionary, whose ideas played a significant role in the development of modern communism and socialism.

Wich year did the people of France adopt their Declaration of the rights of the man?what is this?

They wear written in 1791.They posits that popular political revolution is permissible when a government does not safeguard its people, their natural rights, and their national interests.

What caused the American civil war?

The slavery wanted rhman rights.

When did the colonial expansion begin?

Began in the 15th century

When and where was the Magna Carta signed?

Was signed in Britain in 1215

Where did powerful europeans built empires?

All over America,Russia some on Africa and part of Australia.

Why did africans go to America?

He went to America to work.

What day was the American independence declared?

In July 2, 1776.

What was the leader of the American Revolution?

Benedict Arnold was a successful military leader, one of them

Who marked the beggining of the end of apartheid?

President de Klerk

When did Gandhi help India to Independence?

After 7 years of being in prison.

What did on American court decide in 1841?

To let the slaves free.

What was Antigone and king Greon?

Antigone is the name of two different women in Greek mythology.

Wich was the king in UK in 1918?

Charles I

Who was Moses?

He was a man of the christina religion.

Which were the laws of God?

The tablets given in the Sinai mountain.

Are they similar to the H.Rights?

Yes, but the H,Rights are a lot more explicit.


The text talks about that the persons who arrive in a diferent country and don't know the language, or for any other reasons don't know what will happen to thei lives, have the right to get an asylum, because all the persons are equal even if we are from diferent countries, we don't have the same culture, believings or costumes etc..

Another type of persons initially with the same problems but also with penal sentencies, charges for murthering, crimes don't have this right.

The Refugees are "houses" wich help this persons who don't have enough to develop in a society.
In the back of the page we are given, there are 4 people who wrote their experiences and all the things they were passing by.


Nadia Ghulam is a girl who, at the age of nine years old a bomb was send to her house.
Her mother ans sisters, saved their lives, but his father become crazy and his brother was
killed by shots.

She thought, so, that her help was the only thing wich could save her family to continue surviving, so, she put a turban on his head make herself a boy, like this, she could work.

Her mother thought too that this was the only form to stay alive, so she let her do it.

After ten years of working as a boy, she had the opportunity to come to Catalunya by the hand of a periodist and also too, to cure her injuries from the bomb, at the hospital Clinic.
Now, is livins with a catalan family and lives as a girl but from her country misses a lot of things, for example:
friends, family, qabeli (wich is a type of food)...

Nadia says too that the persons who are now, without work or intention to study, have to take advantage, because other people maybe want to study and they can't.